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Meditation Techniques: Beginner's Guide

Meditation Techniques: Beginner's Guide

Our soul, just like our body, needs food to grow and perform efficiently. We try to get our hands on every possible luxury of life so that we can lead a comfortable life. But besides the availability of several material resources we constantly face cacophony because we fail to pay proper attention to our soul which results in dissatisfaction and frustration. Meditation teaches us to strike a balance between our internal powers and external environment. A person practicing mediation is in a strong position to control his thoughts and emotions to use them positively for his wellbeing.
Though meditation is a healing process of internal structure but it's not something that must be postponed until one observes the signs of aggravation and agitation in him. You can devote a certain part of the day for this spiritual exercise. Meditation reveals the strengths and weaknesses of your inner being and introduces you to a mechanism that can bring peace to your fast-paced life. Confusion and uncertainty about your own self and regarding fellow beings diminish, which can practically help you to maintain social contacts more confidently.
On contrary to the general perception that people hold regarding the complexity of meditation, beginning is fairly easy. In this era of urgency and rush, you have to find time for your inner self. To empower your awareness and realization capability, you can initiate this soothing process easily. You'll notice a revolutionized life once you get to know the power of meditation and the way it can enlighten your intricate problems.
You don't have to join a healing centre for this. Try this at home and reap the benefits of self-realization. Find a corner in your house where you can sit peacefully and will not be distracted by noise or any other activity. If you have a large sofa or a chair where you can sit at ease with legs crossed, sit there in a comfy posture. Otherwise sit on carpet. Try to forget every appointment and engagement that you have for the upcoming days.
You have to disconnect yourself from the outer world in order to listen to your soul. Close your eyes and all other receivers that can possibly distract you. The moment you close your eyes, you move one step closer to your inner self. When you save your energy and dedicate it solely to meditation, a new sense of unveiling your deep down realities surrenders you. Focus on what your soul shows you.
Try to bring peace in yourself. Examine your thoughts that come through your mind and pay attention to internal mental activities. Thoughts that were pushed to subconscious begin to clarify and more explicable. You must indulge your thoughts into some kind of rhyme. A Sanskrit verse is suggested 'amaram hum madhuram hum' which reinforces bliss and immortality.
After this spiritual process, don't spring to world abruptly rather make a slow end. Touch your face with your hands to provide warmth. Make meditation an integral part of your routine and try it twice a day, especially at the beginning and ending of the day.
